LAU's third cut, Recognise, taken from her forthcoming debut album is yearning for a fresh start and a continuation on the themes started with the previous two singles. Following the popular 'crying at the dancefloor' sub-genre mastered by the likes of Robyn and closer stylistically to an updated Giorgio Moroder masterpiece, the incessant pulsation of the synths, the punchy drums and frieze-like bassline emerges from the darkness like a Phoenix from the ashes of a burnt out relationship.
The song throws hook after hook, the main leitmotif moves from the lead synth to the vocals and back again like an earworm. At 2:58 the song seems to be only just starting and the sudden ending only leaves us wanting more, forcing us to instantly hit reply. A perfect metaphor for what it seems to be the events that inspired the song in the first place. This is the true mark of a great song masterly put together.
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