??Ever wonder what Blue Sunshine ??would have sounded like if Robert ??Smith had done all the vocals? ??Wonder no more, as Disc Two of ??this Deluxe Edition of the 1983 ??collaborative effort from Jeanette ??Landray, Robert Smith and Siouxsie ??& the Banshees' Steve Severin, ??includes all the orignal songs and ??more with Mr. Smith's original vocal ??tracks.
??To be released this August along with ??The Cure remasters!!!
??Please note however: ??This release will not be part of any ??special??3-Pack or Bundle Offer with ??the Cure??reissues as we've done in ??the past. ??This release will be considered stand ??alone. But you never know, we may ??include some special incentive all on ??its own. More to follow on: ??http://idealcopy.american-data.net/ | Tracklist CD2:
01. Like An Animal * 02. Looking Glass Girl * 03. Sex Eye Make Up * 04. Mr. Alphabet Says (Alternative Robert Smith Vocal) 05. A Blues In Drag (Alternative Robert Smith Vocal) 06. Punish Me With Kisses * 07. This Green City * 08. Orgy * 09. Perfect Murder (Alternative Robert Smith Vocal) 10. Relax (Alternative Robert Smith Vocal) 11. The Man From Nowhere (Alternative Instr. Mix) 12. Mouth To Mouth * 13. Opened The Box (A Waltz) * 14. The Tightrope * 15. And All Around The Mermaids Sang (AKA Torment) * 16. Holiday 80 (AKA Mine Eye Offends Me) (Instrumental)
* = Robert Smith Vocal |