SUFFER NO LONGER... "Suffer Well", the third single from "Playing The Angel", and the very first single written by Dave, is out this week on CD and DVD single! Release dates for the other UK formats are on the site (see link). For those of you in the US, iTunes has the tracks available (purchase links are available via the above link). There will be no commercial CD single released in the US.
ROBERT SMITH vs ANTON CORBIJN!?! We are getting preliminary reports that Robert Smith (lead singer of The Cure) is looking to stop further production of the album "Playing The Angel". It is said, through sources, that Robert has a concern that the "Mister Feathers" character that Anton Corbijn created for the "Playing The Angel" cover bears more than a passing resemblance to the cover for The Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" single. We will provide further information on the impending injunction as soon as it is available.
NEW TOUR DATE INFO Date added: second Mexico City (on sale today - March 30th!). Date cancelled: El Paso.
SUFFER WELL - SIMLISH "The Sims 2 - Open For Business", the new expansion pack for the popular "Sims" game, is out now. The game features a special full-length version of "Suffer Well", sung by Dave entirely in the language of the game (Simlish)! To promote the game, EA Games created a special music video for "Suffer Well", using an edited music soundtrack. You must check this out!
PRE-SHOW MUSIC Due to an extremely high demand, we have put the full track listing of the pre-show concert music. For those of you who wondered what the music was before DM hit the stage, here is your answer. The music was mixed by Mr. Gore.
REMASTERS - date change Things must change, including sound quality! Coming very soon are the first three titles in the upcoming full studio album reissue series! Not only are the albums remastered, but they include 5.1 surround mixes! Details are available on the micro-site, and if you check the main News page, you'll get a glimpse of who was involved in the remastering. Update! The date for the UK issues has been pushed back to April 3rd. This date, as well as the US release date, are still subject to change.
SUFFER WELL - BEHIND THE SUFFERING Check out the final batch of images (for a total of over 100) from the "Suffer Well" video shoot. Still coming shortly will be a special "Making Of The Video" featurette! |