Electronic Arts has??announced a collaboration with??Depeche Mode for the signature song for The Sims 2: Open for Business. Making the translation to Simlish (the language of the Sims derived from a mix of the Ukranian/Filipino/Navajo languages) will be the band's song "Suffer Well", from the album "Playing the Angel". A video of the song has also been produced and will be available on the Depeche Mode website as well as The Sims 2 site, using footage of the band and gameplay of Open for Business.
 "Like the Sims, Depeche Mode is a worldwide phenomenon, with a distinct style. This unprecedented collaboration brings together two celebrated entertainment icons, and gives millions of Sims fans the opportunity to hear one of their favorite bands sing in Simlish, a language that appeals directly to them," said Steve Schnur, Worldwide Executive of Music and Music Marketing at EA. "Simlish is an emotion-filled language that defies translation -- it's a great fit for the music of Depeche Mode which is so focused on creating a mood, and appeals to people on an emotional level."
Depeche Mode's lead singer, David Gahan, said, "Depeche Mode has always been open to new ways of sharing our music, but re-recording a Simlish-language version of 'Suffer Well' just sounded completely bizarre. Of course, that's why couldn't resist doing it." |