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23 Feb 2006 - News From Onetwo

20th February 2006

Hello all. Claudia and Paul here again. My goodness it's really been ages since we've jumped on here! Well, there's been so much going on here it's been absolutely crazy to be honest! Firstly, news on Onetwo's album: Thanks to all the many people who have been emailing us with the same question " When the hell will your album be finished??' Well, we're nearly there(there)! Bob Kraushaar, who mixed 'Sister' and 'Cloud 9' for our 'Item' EP has been hired by us to mix the entire album, so the day after we've finished recording each track in our studio, we've been delivering him all the parts and he's been mixing the songs off one by one in his own mix room. It's been going really well too as we're really happy with and excited by his interpretation of our tracks! On top of all of the Onetwo album work, Claudia and Andrew Poppy have been collaborating again and there will be another release from them to be announced shortly too.

We've asked graphic designer Ian Hazeldine (thanks for all you do for us Ian!) to put together a new page for our website which will be dedicated to live gig information as we're currently planning our live shows for this year, all to be announced shortly. We can tell you now though, as it's just been confirmed, that we're playing Leicester Cathedral on Monday 28th August 2006 and tickets will be going on sale on Monday 17th April. Anyway, all the ticket details and further gig information will soon be available on our new gig page.

Paul here: There has been a lot of talk and rumours recently about me rejoining OMD and we've had a lot of emails from some of you concerned that if this happens, what exactly will happen to Onetwo? Well, nothing is going to happen to Onetwo is the answer, as I'm as dedicated as ever to what Claudia and I are doing, it's not just a project, it's a real band that we intend to make plenty more records for and as. I am however, going to be revisiting OMD on and off over the next few years as we have some really interesting and exciting live events planned, all to be announced over the coming months and will feature all the original members of the band!

Anyway, plans are being made, deals are being negotiated, dates are being pencilled into diaries, songs are being finished, and recordings are being mixed so there will be lots more announcements made really quite soon! We'll keep you posted.

Claudia and Paul xx More info:

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