Hello everyone! ?? The popular music magazine Side-Line is releasing a FREE compilation called Face the Beat vol.1. You will get 50 different artists and Daybehavior is one of them! Side-Line is a daily updated news site on electro and industrial music found on facebbok and on the web. They reach out to 65.000 readers every day. ?? The song that we decided to contribute with is called "So Shut Your Eyes" and is a track taken from our forthcoming album "Follow That Car!"

You can download the compilation??via this link: Be our friend, click Like and download track by track or entire album. ?? We are also very happy that our second single Silent Dawn has managed to reach out through the web-jungle and is getting more and more positive response every day. Over 85.000 people voted for us in a competiton??on DjFM, a Toronto based radio station and we are overwhelmed with the great reviews we got so far, check our homepage.
?? ================================================================= ?? Still haven't got the Silent Dawn single? Buy it in a click on iTunes here or on amazon here. 
Thank you everyone for supporting us and please feel free to spread the word about the Side-Line compilation to your friends! ?? Have a great day ! ! ! ?? Paulinda, Carl and Tommy Daybehavior |