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The Pmachinery Top 30, June 25, 2011
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (02) / (08) Billie Ray Martin & Hard Ton - Sold Life
02 / (01) / (14) Adele - Someone Like You
03 / (04) / (06) Hurts - Illuminated / Better Than Love
04 / (07) / (05) Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
05 / (06) / (07) Alex Gaudino & Kelly Rowland - What A Feeling
06 / (03) / (10) Morrissey - Glamorous Glue
07 / (05) / (09) Mylène Farmer - Blue Noir
08 / (10) / (06) Daybehavior - Silent Dawn
09 / (12) / (05) Jedward - Lipstick
10 / (09) / (08) Kate Ryan - Lovelife
11 / (13) / (04) Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Remix)
12 / (18) / (03) Claudia Brücken - LA Noir Songs
13 / (16) / (04) Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love
14 / (08) / (13) Honeybreath - Uncommon Man (Rough Mix)
15 / (11) / (09) Steve Forest vs The Ones - Flawless
16 / (24) / (02) Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend
17 / (21) / (03) Bob Sinclair & Raffaella Carrà - Far L'Amore
18 / (15) / (07) Mirrors - Into The Heart
19 / (14) / (12) The Human League - Never Let Me Go
20 / (---) / (01) Sophie Ellis Bextor - Starlight
21 / (20) / (07) We Love 90 vs Livin' Joy - Don't Stop Movin'
22 / (17) / (11) Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite
23 / (28) / (02) Eric Saade - Popular
24 / (25) / (03) Johnny Halliday - Guitar Hero
25 / (---) / (01) StudioPunks & Katherine Ellis - Feed The Fire
26 / (22) / (05) The Japanese Popstars - Song For Lisa
27 / (19) / (18) Axelle Red - La Claque
28 / (---) / (01) Zaza Fournier - Vodka Fraise
29 / (26) / (04) September - Me & My Microphone
30 / (23) / (11) Shakespears Sister - Really Saying Something

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