ANDY BELL TALKS ERASURE, CLAUDIA BRÜCKEN AND CLUBLAND... As you know, Andy was one of Claudia Brücken's special guests at London's Scala last week, performing two songs with Claudia; their 2005 collaboration 'Delicious' (from Andy's 'Electric Blue' album) and the ACT track 'Absolutely Immune'. I went along too, with a little video camera to meet up with Andy, record a short interview to ask about some of the things he's up to at the moment, and capture some of the performance. There are all sorts of morsels of Erasure information in there too??? I hope you like the video! There are also some great pictures of the performance by photographer Andy Sturmey on Andy Bell's website.
ANDY BELL 'DINGER' MATERIAL RELEASED TODAY Dinger (Andy's pre-Erasure music project), featuring Andy Bell and Pierre Cope, release a digital EP entitled 'Sunsets Pink' today (March 11th). The release will feature five tracks performed between 1983 and 1985, each digitally remastered by Dominique Brethes from the original reel to reel tapes, and will come out on Pierre Cope's Le Moulin Blanc label with proceeds to be donated to charities of the duo's choice; The British Beekeeper's Association for Andy, and The Royal Marsden Trust for Pierre. See Andy's website for links and details... 'ANDY BELL PRESENTS A QUIET LIFE' - RESCHEDULED DATE After all the problems with the original venue Andy will finally be hosting his 'A Quiet Life' clubnight in London on Friday May 13th at the Queen of Hoxton in East London. I'll bring you more on that as soon as I have all the details and it's onsale and everything, but as it's the night before Erasure's appearance at Mute's Short Circuit Festival at The Roundhouse in London I thought I'd give you a little advance warning in case you were going to be in town anyway... SNOOP DOGG SAMPLES YAZOO Perhaps equally odd is the news this week that Yazoo's 'Situation' has been sampled on 'Boom', the new single from Snoop Dogg! The track, featuring vocals from T-Pain, is built around the synth riff from Yazoo's 'Situation' and it kind of works for me, let's see what you all think, you can watch the video for 'Boom' here... ERASURE FAN SITE REVAMPED Both Vince and Andy have Tweeted about how much they like Onge's new-look Erasure fansite, and quite right too! Online since 1998 the site is one of the more enduring Erasure fansites around and you'd do well to check it out???
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