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13 Nov 2010 - The Blow Monkeys News

The December issue of Word magazine (out now) comes with a free CD featuring the fabulous new single “Steppin Down” plus a link to another track from the new album called “The Killing Breeze”. You can actually download this track for free from from the 22nd of November.

“It’s a taster for an album that doesn’t revisit former sounds and styles but instead goes for the straightforward but difficult goal of doing something new, all the grit of a real band that instinctively knows how to play together. Late comers are welcome”

The Word ......December 2010...
(Full review on the main site)

Tracklisting of The Killing Breeze:

Steppin' Down
Hanging On To The Hurt
The Killing Breeze
Seventh Day
Staring At The Sea
What it Takes
Prayin' For Rain
One Of Us Is Lying
Face In The Rock
All Blown Down
A Lasting Joy
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