Well, hello everyone. ?? Just thought I’d drop you all a line to keep you updated on the business we call “Show”. ?? I’m writing this from sunny California, so I do apologise if you are in the UK with the rain. But don’t worry! Because once September is here, I have some new shows so yet another excuse for you to get 'Dolled Up' and come along and enjoy yourself! I’ll have lots of new stories to tell... ?? I’m off to Vegas next week... To see Bette Midler! Can't wait! Yes, I’m sure she’s looking forward to seeing me too... Anyway I’ll tell you all about it when I see you... Got loads of gossip of course! ?? So, we took my 12 year old daughter and her friend to see The Jonas Brothers here in LA (she’d been to see Demi Lovato the week before - don’t ask...). Anyway, we walked across the street – aka “jay-walked”, when from nowhere, a cop car put it’s siren on, and through the loud speaker we heard “get off the street, or face arrest!” Blimey! Steady on! ?? So this weekend was my good friend Julia Fordham’s birthday, she lives out here. Her party was set in a lovely big ‘back yard’ – more like a park! – there is so much space out here. Julia sang, as did Judith Owen, and an amazing girl from New Zealand, called Kara Grainger. She’s like Bonnie Raitt, great singer and guitarist, please do check her out. www.karagrainger.com So I got up and sang a couple of tunes, it was great fun – Val McCallum on guitar, (from Elvis Costello’s band – and guess who his dad is?) brilliant! Jeff Young on keyboards, (Steely Dan/Jackson Browne) Mike Clarke on drums and the wonderful ex-Wilsation, Colin Ryan on guitar (also lives here). We even had Derek Smalls on bass would you believe? Another great singer, Celia Chavez and myself, were singing backing vocals for Kara on “I Shall Be Released”, when all of a sudden the cops turned up telling us that the neighbours had complained about the noise and wanted to press charges!!! What’s going on here!!!?? I Shall Be Released indeed! Were they not invited? Anyway, two LAPD experiences in two days... I must be getting a reputation – could be good for record sales.... ?? I’d recommend you check out a new band – Purplemelon – four young guys I’ve befriended from the UK who are kicking up a storm here. I predict a great future for them. They’re all very talented AND gorgeous too... www.myspace.com/purplemelonspace ?? Girl Talk got together for a charity bash at the 606 Club in London in June – great fun singing those songs together again... and the lovely Ian Shaw invited me to sing with him on BBC Radio 3 a few weeks back. It was a London theme so I sang Waterloo Sunset – it’s on the website if you want to hear it. ?? These forthcoming gigs are intimate affairs. I’ve been going out with the band the last couple of years so time for a change, bringing it down to me and the uniquely talented Adrian York at the piano. Some are listed as Mari Wilson’s Threesome which will include the irresistible Matt Backer on guitar. Who knows, there may even be the odd tuba player... but suffice to say that I will enjoy singing some new and unexpected cover versions - some known, some obscure and some surprises – ooh that’ll have you thinking. ?? The Love Thing, my one-woman musical, still hangs in there. Looking to get it out for all the world to enjoy. We are constantly developing, improving and putting finishing touches to it. Can’t say too much more as yet but will inform y’all asap! ?? Friday 4th & Saturday 5th September I’ll be at Pizza on the Park, Friday 11th September– Fleece Jazz @ Stoke by Nayland Club, Friday 26th September – The Old Town Hall, Hemel Hempstead Sunday 1st November – Pizza Express Jazz Club, Soho, London. |