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31 Mar 2009 - News From Mari Wilson



Yes, yes, I know I know, it’s been too long since the last newsletter – been busy though, what with the autumn tour, Xmas and not forgetting THE SNOW!

let it snow

How could we forget about all that snow? They’ve even made documentaries about it for goodness sake! I just loved it but then I hate the slush - I just want it to be crisp white snow then for it all to just blow away like talcum powder! That first day was so lovely, like an old Hollywood movie – we took a walk through the park and watched all the families playing with sleds, and the dogs all going mad, and the toddlers who were seeing snow for the first time, it was fantastic! Then we went and had brunch and it was packed with people, all wrapped up and getting snow all over the floor and stuff - like a ski resort! Oh the drama of it all . . . great innit?

A big thank you to all those who came to the shows on my UK tour which culminated in three wonderful nights at Ronnie Scott’s Club, London. Do you know, I’ve been playing there since 1986! I must have been just a slip of a girl when I started. Must make a big deal about playing there in 2011 for my 25th. . .

So we released my new album, Emotional Glamour, and off we went on tour which as usual, was full of surprises. We won’t discuss Skegness. . .

08 Tour

According to Adrian York, pianist, MD and galloping gourmet, I was suffering from Road Fever! Apparently I was a bit over-excited about getting on the tour bus and travelling from town to town – yes I just LOVE it! You wouldn’t believe the things we talked about and no I won’t be telling you . . .

When I used to tour in the early 80’s and my Mum was still around, she used to make scones for everyone, we would all get a bag each - fully buttered and jammed! Of course, I can’t eat scones nowadays, what with Coeliacs Disease AND Diabetes, but touring is easier for me than back then. This time we would stop at M&S at the services where I could get a nice salad, yeah, rock n’roll . . . there was the odd occasion where I would have some M&S cheese and onion crisps , my favourite. We all got a bit carried away with tins of Travel Sweets which was a constant topic for discussion. Did you know, M&S do Motoring Sweets. Does this mean you can’t eat them if you’re cycling or on a train ride?.

The gigs were great fun and we even had a couple of days off – one was spent in York where Adrian and I enjoyed afternoon tea at Betty’s Tea Room and Evensong at York Minster, oh YES rock n’roll . . . We actually had a proper full band day out at Betty’s Tea Room in Harrogate the day after playing at Harrogate Theatre and that was also the day that the key to the tour bus broke, so I had time for some retail therapy. Very nice.

Then there was our day out in the Brecon Beacons – a beautiful day, a long drive and a warm welcome from the landlord at The Castle Inn. I had a half a bitter shandy! Steady on girl??? then Adrian and I had a game of darts, oh the glamour of it all.

I went to see Ron Sexsmith when he was in London – I’m a huge fan – some of you may know that I recorded Foolproof for my album, Dolled Up. I absolutely love his songs and his voice and his guitar-playing is pretty awesome too. (awesome? never used that word in my life before, hmm, it’s my daughter’s fault, all this Hannah Montana...). Anyway, I finally got to meet him after his show so thought you’d like to see a pic of us together.


Peter Cannon, best hairdresser in the world, who used to do my beehive, came along to Stockport Plaza again and did my hair just lovely. So of course, that was the one night where my hair looked absolutely perfect out of the whole tour!
Mari and Ron SexsmithMari and peter Cannon

What is it with people doing three-point-turns while they’re on a mobile phone? SO annoying.

Anyway, I’m on Twitter now - as if I haven’t got enough nonsense to waste my time what with Facebook, MySpace, the website, blah blah. Ooh it’s the Space Age!

My one-woman musical is coming along just dandy and we’re looking at Spring 2010 for it’s launch on the world. So spring is here and I can enjoy a run in the park once more and enjoy the crocuses and the daffodils.

Got tickets for the Mott The Hoople reunion gig in October at Hammersmith – hurrah! I knew them when I was 15 you know before All The Young Dudes and was present at many recording sessions – ooh that’s got you all guessing aintit?

Dates for 2009 shows will be put up on the site shortly. I’m going to be coming out with the band on occasion and then I’ll be surprising you with a more intimate set up – watch this space.

Oh, and have a nice Easter and enjoy yer eggs.

Love n’stuff,

Mari x

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