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Original song was recorded by KooLTURE exclusively for "Philanthropy": The first charity dance album by Pet Shop Boys Fans. and will be avaliable for pre sale at
This song, written in 2007, was inspired by the sudden death of a Pet Shop Boys fan named NKP, very popular in the chat room where he used to talk with his friends (his only family).
He suffered from cancer and his doctor had said to him that he would last only 3 months more. That month, Pet Shop Boys were scheduled to perform live in a city nearby his town and NKP decided to attend the show, full of joy. He had his ticket already. But something really sad happened out of the blue: Cancer stole his young and beautiful life fifteen days after having visited the doctor. All of his friends were shocked by the news, even more knowing that one of his biggest dream never came true???
A large percentage of the profits obtained from digital downloads/sales will go to “Hereford Kids First”, a British charity association run by Mark Price, another PSB’s fan.
The Profits from the remixes sales will go to both charity association and remixers/artists.
KooLTURE - Fanatic Boy
(Nathan Heinze Cruel Destiny Mix)
KooLTURE - Fanatic Boy
(Audio Vicious Vocal Mix)
KooLTURE - Fanatic Boy
(Audio Vicious Dub Mix)
KooLTURE - Fanatic Boy
(Chris Kalera's Cruel remake)
You can buy them a
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