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22 Oct 2021 - Platronic - Control

CONTROL is the powerful new single by Platronic and it brings back memories of those Gothic Dance nights I attended in the 80s and where the DJ used to end his set with a Front 242 track. This is a suitable replacement in 2021!

They're so nice and kind
Know what's on your mind
But they're watching us
And control our thoughts

You'll never be, you'll never be alone
(They're so nice and kind)
You'll never be, you'll never be alone
(...know what's on your mind)
You'll never be, you'll never be alone
(But they're watching us)
You'll never be, you'll never be alone
(And control our thoughts)

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(They want control)

And control our thoughts

CONTROL is a reminder, a hint. It's about social media and how it affects our daily lives. How transparent and vulnerable we are. Regardless of all the benefits - like being able to connect with other musicians and people around the world (no Platronic without Instagram) - there's also a downside... CONTROL is an energetic and catchy but critical futurepop/darkdisco track. You can clearly hear that Platronic were inspired by their musical icons like VNV Nation, Rotersand, Annette Humpe and ABBA.

Release date: October 22, 2021

Written, composed and produced by Kay Burden / S. Jumppanen.

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The remixes of The Slightest Touch (Five Star cover) are out now!

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Young Empress - Ghosts Remix EP

Release date: November 23, 2021

Pre-order: now!

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22 Oct 2021 - MEXXO - Let You Go

MEXXO is a talented young producer from the Netherlands and
who has just released his new and quite stunning track 
'Let You Go'.

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