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The Pmachinery Top 30, July 2, 2011
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (09) Billie Ray Martin & Hard Ton - Sold Life
02 / (04) / (06) Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
03 / (03) / (07) Hurts - Illuminated / Better Than Love
04 / (05) / (08) Alex Gaudino & Kelly Rowland - What A Feeling
05 / (02) / (15) Adele - Someone Like You
06 / (08) / (07) Daybehavior - Silent Dawn
07 / (09) / (06) Jedward - Lipstick
08 / (12) / (04) Claudia Brücken - LA Noir Songs
09 / (06) / (11) Morrissey - Glamorous Glue
10 / (11) / (05) Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Remix)
11 / (13) / (05) Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love
12 / (16) / (03) Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend
13 / (07) / (10) Mylène Farmer - Blue Noir
14 / (17) / (04) Bob Sinclair & Raffaella Carrà - Far L'Amore
15 / (20) / (02) Sophie Ellis Bextor - Starlight
16 / (10) / (09) Kate Ryan - Lovelife
17 / (18) / (08) Mirrors - Into The Heart
18 / (15) / (10) Steve Forest vs The Ones - Flawless
19 / (14) / (14) Honeybreath - Uncommon Man (Rough Mix)
20 / (23) / (03)??Eric Saade - Popular
21 / (20) / (07) StudioPunks & Katherine Ellis - Feed The Fire
22 / (---) / (01)??Kylie Minogue - Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love)
23 / (22) / (08) We Love 90 vs Livin' Joy - Don't Stop Movin'
24 / (24) / (04) Johnny Halliday - Guitar Hero
25 / (19) / (13) The Human League - Never Let Me Go
26 / (28) / (02) Zaza Fournier - Vodka Fraise
27 / (---) / (01) Beth Ditto - Open Heart Surgery
28 / (22) / (12) Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite
29 / (---) / (01) Das Pop - Skip The Rope
30 / (26) / (06) The Japanese Popstars - Song For Lisa

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Morrissey might not have picked the bill for the middle day of the Hop farm festival but, frankly, he might as well have done: all four acts that preceded him are personal favourites, while recent support act Viva Brother propped up the bill.

Perhaps it was this or simply the Kent sunshine but Morrissey proved on fine form. “How do you follow the Stooges?” he asked on taking the stage.

The answer, at least for the fervent crowd that had made its way down to Hop Farm, was to kick off with a Smiths song (I Want The One I Can’t Have) pick up with one of his best-loved solo songs (You’re the One For Me, Fatty) and then return to The Smiths (Shoplifters Of The World Unite) via latter period hit You Have Killed Me.

It was a brilliant way to start proceedings and, while the next 60 minutes couldn’t quite keep up with the pace, they nevertheless suggested a renewed vigour in Morrissey that has sometimes seemed lacking in recent years, with a run of concert cancellations, poor health and disappointing chart results.

Hop Farm might not have been sold out – at least not for the Saturday that Morrissey is headlining – but the singer remained a formidable live draw, appearing second on the bill to U2 at Glastonbury.

He was helped on this occasion by the fact that this initially looked like being the closest the singer was doing to a London gig this summer (two dates in the capital have since been announced) but there is no doubting the enthusiasm of the crowd, many of whom were still in nappies when he recorded 1992 album Your Arsenal, let alone singing with The Smiths.

It helps too that his band, the object of frequent criticism from fans, sound in good form. There’s still remains some tendency to crank out the guitars and rock out – versions of This Charming Man and Meat Is Murder suffer slightly from this – but they prove on songs such as Alma Matters that they can play with a great deal of sympathy. And Morrissey’s voice remains flawless throughout.

The former Smiths singer is, famously, without a record deal – an odd situation for any festival headliner – following stints on three of the four majors and Sanctuary.

At this gig he plays two new songs - rocker The Kid's A Looker and the more sedate Action Is My Middle Name – which show his skill as a melodicist and lyric writer remain undimmed. They are greeted with verve and even a sing-along. Logic would dictate a new deal can’t be far away but things are rarely simple in Morrissey’s world.

To hear these new songs properly recorded would be a delight. But, perversely, Morrissey often seems at his best when faced with adversity – consider, for example, his UK tour in the early part of the century when he was previously label-less – and his excellent headline set almost makes you want the situation to continue.

As for Hop Farm, now in its fourth year, it can sometimes seem slightly confused. The line up generally follows the rule of new acts in the early part of the day followed by legends at night. But you wonder how many people in the world, let alone Kent, are dedicated fans of The Eagles, Morrissey and Prince, the three headliners in 2011.

But the appearance of the latter, in particular, for what was his only UK show of 2011 shows that promoter Vince Power has lost none of his skill with a contact book. And whoever organised a Saturday line up of Magazine, Patti Smith, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop and the Stooges and Morrissey surely deserves a pay rise.


set list:

I Want The One I Can't Have / You're The One For Me, Fatty / You Have Killed Me / Shoplifters Of The World Unite / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / There Is A Light That Never Goes Out / The Kid's A Looker / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Action Is My Middle Name / Meat is Murder / Satellite Of Love / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Speedway / Alma Matters / Irish Blood, English Heart / First Of The Gang To Die / This Charming Man / Panic

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Adele has become the first UK artist to sell 1m downloads of a song domestically with Someone Like You.

The former UK number one single passed the 1m mark today (Tuesday), 162 days after release. In doing so it becomes the first single released this decade to sell 1m copies – two tracks from 2009, Lady GaGa’s Poker Face and Black Eyed PeasI Gotta Feeling, were the last to pass the milestone.

In total 16 singles released since 2000 have reached the million sales mark according to the Official Charts Company - and only eight in the past five years. These include a number of singles from British artists, including Will Young, Gareth Gates and Alexandra Burke.

But many of these were released on multiple formats – several were from X Factor winners which traditionally sold well on CD single - while Someone Like You was only available as a download.

Official Charts Company managing director Martin Talbot said breaking the 1m mark was “another huge achievement, in a year of huge achievements for Adele and her label XL Recordings. It is a real coming of age for the digital market."


Earlier this year Adele became the first artist to sell more than 500,000 digital albums in the UK with her second album 21.

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The Pmachinery Top 30, June 25, 2011
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (02) / (08) Billie Ray Martin & Hard Ton - Sold Life
02 / (01) / (14) Adele - Someone Like You
03 / (04) / (06) Hurts - Illuminated / Better Than Love
04 / (07) / (05) Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
05 / (06) / (07) Alex Gaudino & Kelly Rowland - What A Feeling
06 / (03) / (10) Morrissey - Glamorous Glue
07 / (05) / (09) Mylène Farmer - Blue Noir
08 / (10) / (06) Daybehavior - Silent Dawn
09 / (12) / (05) Jedward - Lipstick
10 / (09) / (08) Kate Ryan - Lovelife
11 / (13) / (04) Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Remix)
12 / (18) / (03) Claudia Brücken - LA Noir Songs
13 / (16) / (04) Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love
14 / (08) / (13) Honeybreath - Uncommon Man (Rough Mix)
15 / (11) / (09) Steve Forest vs The Ones - Flawless
16 / (24) / (02) Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend
17 / (21) / (03) Bob Sinclair & Raffaella Carrà - Far L'Amore
18 / (15) / (07) Mirrors - Into The Heart
19 / (14) / (12) The Human League - Never Let Me Go
20 / (---) / (01) Sophie Ellis Bextor - Starlight
21 / (20) / (07) We Love 90 vs Livin' Joy - Don't Stop Movin'
22 / (17) / (11) Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite
23 / (28) / (02) Eric Saade - Popular
24 / (25) / (03) Johnny Halliday - Guitar Hero
25 / (---) / (01) StudioPunks & Katherine Ellis - Feed The Fire
26 / (22) / (05) The Japanese Popstars - Song For Lisa
27 / (19) / (18) Axelle Red - La Claque
28 / (---) / (01) Zaza Fournier - Vodka Fraise
29 / (26) / (04) September - Me & My Microphone
30 / (23) / (11) Shakespears Sister - Really Saying Something

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The Pmachinery Top 30, June 18, 2011
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (13) Adele - Someone Like You
02 / (03) / (07) Billie Ray Martin & Hard Ton - Sold Life
03 / (02) / (09) Morrissey - Glamorous Glue
04 / (06) / (05)??Hurts - Illuminated / Better Than Love
05 / (05) / (08) Mylène Farmer - Blue Noir
06 / (08) / (06) Alex Gaudino & Kelly Rowland - What A Feeling
07 / (11) / (04) Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
08 / (04) / (12) Honeybreath - Uncommon Man (Rough Mix)
09 / (09) / (07) Kate Ryan - Lovelife
10 / (13) / (05) Daybehavior - Silent Dawn
11 / (07) / (08) Steve Forest vs The Ones - Flawless
12 / (16) / (04) Jedward - Lipstick
13 / (18) / (03) Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Remix)
14 / (11) / (11) The Human League - Never Let Me Go
15 / (15) / (06) Mirrors - Into The Heart
16 / (20) / (03) Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love
17 / (12) / (10) Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite
18 / (25) / (02)??Claudia Brücken - LA Noir Songs
19 / (14) / (17) Axelle Red - La Claque
20 / (19) / (06) We Love 90 vs Livin' Joy - Don't Stop Movin'
21 / (27) / (02) Bob Sinclair & Raffaella Carrà - Far L'Amore
22 / (22) / (04) The Japanese Popstars - Song For Lisa
23 / (17) / (10) Shakespears Sister - Really Saying Something
24 / (---) / (01) Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend
25 / (28) / (02) Johnny Halliday - Guitar Hero
26 / (26) / (03) September - Me & My Microphone
27 / (21) / (15) Marianne Rosenberg - Rette Mich Durch Die Nacht
28 / (---) / (01) Eric Saade - Popular
29 / (23) / (08) Das Pop - The Game
30 / (24) / (14) Beth Ditto - I Wrote The Book

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