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The Pmachinery Top 30, July 9, 2016

TW / LW / WC   Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (10) Nina - Beyond Memory    
02 / (06) / (04) Billie Ray Martin - The Glittering Gutter (US Mixes)    
03 / (03) / (08) Zara Larsson - Lush Life  
04 / (04) / (05) Marsheaux - Safe Tonight  
05 / (05) / (07) Barei - Say Yay!  
06 / (02) / (08) Kent - Egoist  
07 / (13) / (03) Pet Shop Boys - Twenty Something  
08 / (08) / (11) Rick Astley - Keep Singing  
09 / (14) / (04) M? - Final Song  
10 / (07) / (09) Sia - Cheap Thrills  
11 / (16) / (03) Matt Springfield - Things I've Said  
12 / (12) / (06) Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse  
13 / (09) / (08) Poli Genova - If Love Was A Crime  
14 / (10) / (11) Dami Im - Sound Of Silence  
15 / (21) / (02) Kylie Minogue - This Wheel's On Fire  
16 / (11) / (09) Clairy Browne - F.U.B.  
17 / (15) / (10) Suede -  Like Kids  
18 / (19) / (07) Zo? - Loin d'Ici  
19 / (17) / (14) Christopher Anton And The Joneses - Personal Jesus  
20 / (--) / (01) Clarke:Hartnoll - Better Have A Drink To Think  
21 / (18) / (16) Billie Ray Martin - Strongheaded Woman    
22 / (20) / (08) Lauro Tesoro - What's The Pressure  
23 / (--) / (01) Jonteknik - Oslo  
24 / (23) / (06) Sergey Lazarev - You Are The Only One  
25 / (22) / (11) Axelle Red - Il y en a  
26 / (24) / (12) James Morrison - I Need You Tonight  
27 / (29) / (02) Sandhja - Sing It Away  
28 / (25) / (13) Mexxrissey - International Playgirl  
29 / (--) / (01) Joe & Jake - You Are Not Alone  
30 / (28) / (04) Amir - J'ai Cherch?  

  Future Hits:
* The Shapists - The Warning  
GREATElectric - 11:11 (with Raff)  
* Fiorious - No Immunity  
* Paola Iezzi - Lovelight  
* Bright Light Bright Light - All In The Name    

Right click  to open the video or  to buy the track.
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The Pmachinery Top 30, July 2, 2016

TW / LW / WC   Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (09) Nina - Beyond Memory    
02 / (02) / (07) Kent - Egoist  
03 / (04) / (07) Zara Larsson - Lush Life  
04 / (06) / (04) Marsheaux - Safe Tonight  
05 / (07) / (06) Barei - Say Yay!  
06 / (11) / (03) Billie Ray Martin - The Glittering Gutter (US Mixes)    
07 / (03) / (08) Sia - Cheap Thrills  
08 / (08) / (10) Rick Astley - Keep Singing  
09 / (09) / (07) Poli Genova - If Love Was A Crime  
10 / (05) / (10) Dami Im - Sound Of Silence  
11 / (10) / (08) Clairy Browne - F.U.B.  
12 / (13) / (05) Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse  
13 / (20) / (02) Pet Shop Boys - Twenty Something  
14 / (19) / (03) M? - Final Song  
15 / (14) / (09) Suede -  Like Kids  
16 / (25) / (02) Matt Springfield - Things I've Said  
17 / (12) / (13) Christopher Anton And The Joneses - Personal Jesus  
18 / (15) / (15) Billie Ray Martin - Strongheaded Woman    
19 / (17) / (06) Zo? - Loin d'Ici  
20 / (16) / (07) Lauro Tesoro - What's The Pressure  
21 / (--) / (01) Kylie Minogue - This Wheel's On Fire  
22 / (18) / (10) Axelle Red - Il y en a  
23 / (22) / (05) Sergey Lazarev - You Are The Only One  
24 / (21) / (11) James Morrison - I Need You Tonight  
25 / (23) / (12) Mexxrissey - International Playgirl  
26 / (24) / (06) Ira Losco - Walk On Water  
27 / (27) / (03) Amir - J'ai Cherch?  
28 / (26) / (04) Francesca Michielin - No Degree Of Separation  
29 / (--) / (01) Sandhja - Sing It Away  
30 / (28) / (04) Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold  

  Future Hits:
* Jonteknik - Oslo  
Joe & Jake - You Are Not Alone  
The Shapists - The Warning  
* Clarke:Hartnoll - Better Have A Drink To Think  
GREATElectric - 11:11 (with Raff)  
* Fiorious - No Immunity  

Right click  to open the video or  to buy the track.
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The Pmachinery Top 30, June 25, 2016

TW / LW / WC   Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (08) Nina - Beyond Memory    
02 / (02) / (06) Kent - Egoist  
03 / (03) / (07) Sia - Cheap Thrills  
04 / (05) / (06) Zara Larsson - Lush Life  
05 / (04) / (09) Dami Im - Sound Of Silence  
06 / (12) / (03) Marsheaux - Safe Tonight  
07 / (13) / (05) Barei - Say Yay!  
08 / (09) / (09) Rick Astley - Keep Singing  
09 / (11) / (06) Poli Genova - If Love Was A Crime  
10 / (10) / (07) Clairy Browne - F.U.B.  
11 / (20) / (02) Billie Ray Martin - The Glittering Gutter (US Mixes)    
12 / (07) / (12) Christopher Anton And The Joneses - Personal Jesus  
13 / (16) / (04) Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse  
14 / (08) / (08) Suede -  Like Kids  
15 / (06) / (14) Billie Ray Martin - Strongheaded Woman    
16 / (15) / (06) Lauro Tesoro - What's The Pressure  
17 / (17) / (05) Zoë - Loin d'Ici  
18 / (14) / (09) Axelle Red - Il y en a  
19 / (25) / (02) Mö - Final Song  
20 / (--) / (01) Pet Shop Boys - Twenty Something  
21 / (18) / (10) James Morrison - I Need You Tonight  
22 / (22) / (04) Sergey Lazarev - You Are The Only One  
23 / (19) / (11) Mexxrissey - International Playgirl  
24 / (21) / (05) Ira Losco - Walk On Water  
25 / (--) / (01) Matt Springfield - Things I've Said  
26 / (26) / (04) Francesca Michielin - No Degree Of Separation  
27 / (29) / (02) Amir - J'ai Cherch?  
28 / (28) / (03) Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold  
29 / (23) / (10) Paradis - Toi Et Moi  
30 / (24) / (15) Pet Shop Boys - The Pop Kids  

  Future Hits:

* Sandhja - Sing It Away  
Joe & Jake - You Are Not Alone  
Jonteknik - Oslo  
The Shapists - The Warning  
* Clarke:Hartnoll - Better Have A Drink To Think  
* Kylie Minogue - This Wheel's On Fire  
GREATElectric - 11:11 (with Raff)  
* Fiorious - No Immunity  

Right click  to open the video or  to buy the track.
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The Pmachinery Top 30, June 18, 2016

TW / LW / WC   Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (07) Nina - Beyond Memory    
02 / (02) / (05) Kent - Egoist  
03 / (04) / (06) Sia - Cheap Thrills  
04 / (03) / (08) Dami Im - Sound Of Silence  
05 / (07) / (05) Zara Larsson - Lush Life  
06 / (05) / (13) Billie Ray Martin - Strongheaded Woman    
07 / (06) / (11) Christopher Anton And The Joneses - Personal Jesus  
08 / (08) / (07) Suede -  Like Kids  
09 / (10) / (08) Rick Astley - Keep Singing  
10 / (12) / (06) Clairy Browne - F.U.B.  
11 / (13) / (05) Poli Genova - If Love Was A Crime  
12 / (20) / (02) Marsheaux - Safe Tonight  
13 / (16) / (04) Barei - Say Yay!  
14 / (09) / (08) Axelle Red - Il y en a  
15 / (15) / (05) Lauro Tesoro - What's The Pressure  
16 / (21) / (03) Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse  
17 / (18) / (04) Zo? - Loin d'Ici  
18 / (11) / (09) James Morrison - I Need You Tonight  
19 / (14) / (10) Mexxrissey - International Playgirl  
20 / (--) / (01) Billie Ray Martin - The Glittering Gutter (US Mixes)    
21 / (21) / (04) Ira Losco - Walk On Water  
22 / (24) / (03) Sergey Lazarev - You Are The Only One  
23 / (17) / (09) Paradis - Toi Et Moi  
24 / (19) / (14) Pet Shop Boys - The Pop Kids  
25 / (--) / (01) M? - Final Song  
26 / (27) / (03) Francesca Michielin - No Degree Of Separation  
27 / (23) / (12) New Order - Singularity  
28 / (29) / (02) Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold  
29 / (--) / (01) Amir - J'ai Cherch?  
30 / (25) / (20) Parralox - Wildlife    

  Future Hits:
* Pet Shop Boys - Twenty Something  
Sandhja - Sing It Away  
Joe & Jake - You Are Not Alone  
Jonteknik - Oslo  
* Matt Springfield - Things I've Said  
* The Shapists - The Warning  
* Clarke:Hartnoll - Better Have A Drink To Think  
* Kylie Minogue - This Wheel's On Fire  
GREATElectric - 11:11 (with Raff)  
* Fiorious - No Immunity  

Right click  to open the video or  to buy the track.
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17 Jun 2016 - Lisa Loeb Tour Dates

DC Area Concerts
I'm playing a family concert at The Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA, just 16 miles from DC, and a grownup concert in Bethesda, just about 10 miles away (BTW, I was born in Bethesda!)

Tuesday, June 21 - Vienna VA
10:30am Family Concert
Wolf Trap Children's Theatre-in-the-Woods
1635 Trap Rd.
Vienna, VA 22182
For tickets, click HERE!
Tuesday, June 21 - Bethesda, MD
8:00pm Grownup Concert
Bethesda Blues & Jazz Club
7719 Wisconsin Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20814
For tickets, click HERE!
New Jersey & Chicago
I'm also playing New Jersey at the Sundown Music Series  and Chicago for PRIDE this week! Check it out! 

Wednesday, June 22 - Haddon Heights, NJ
7:30pm Grownup Concert
Sundown Music Series
Haddon Lake Park
Haddon Township, NJ 08107
(Just about 20 miles from Philadelphia!)
For tickets, click HERE!
Friday, June 24 Grownup Concert - Chicago, IL 
Saturday, June 25 Children's Concert - Chicago, IL 
Chicago PRIDE
Parking lot behind Cheetah Gym
5248 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60640
For tickets and time updates, click HERE!
Meet Melody
I'm so excited to announce my tween/teen eyewear line! There are 5 stylish frames to choose from, perfect for petite women too, so check them out, exclusively at Costco! I'd love to see photos of you and the teens in your life with your Lisa Loeb Eyewear. Tag me on social media at the links below!
Other Upcoming Shows
Sunday, July 10 - Oakville, ON (Canada)
10:00am Family Concert
Oakville Children's Festival
Coronation Park
1426 Lakeshore Road West
Oakville, ON
For tickets, click HERE!
Monday, July 11 - Stratford, ON (Canada)
Tuesday, July 12 - Stratford, ON (Canada)
6:30pm Grownup Concert
Masonic Hall
15 Church Street
Stratford, ON
For tickets, click HERE!
Wednesday, July 13 - Toronto, ON (Canada)
8:00pm Grownup Concert
Adelaide Hall
250 Adelaide St West
Toronto, ON
For tickets, click HERE!
Sunday, July 17 - Stanford, CA
2:30pm Family Concert
Stanford Live
327 Lasuen Street
Stanford, CA 94305
For tickets, click HERE! 

Saturday, September 10 - Havertown, PA
Time TBA Grownup Concert
Haverford Music Festival
Oakmont Business Area
50 East Eagle Road
Havertown, PA 19083
Ticket information coming soon!
Thursday, November 3 - Cleveland, OH
8:00pm Grownup Concert
The Music Box
1148 Main Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44113
For tickets, click HERE!
Friday, November 4 - Cincinnati, OH
Time TBA Grownup Concert
Ludlow Garage
342 Ludlow Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
Ticket information coming soon!
Saturday, November 5 - Carmel, IN 
Time TBA Grownup Concert
The Warehouse
254 1st Avenue Southwest
Carmel, IN 46023
Ticket information coming soon! 

Friday, February 17, 2017- Oakville, ON
8:00pm Grownup Concert
Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts
130 Navy Street
Oakville, ON 
For tickets, click HERE

Saturday, February 18, 2017- Ottawa, ON
2:00pm Family Concert
8:00pm Grownup Concert
Centerpointe Theatre
101 Centrepointe Drive
Ottawa, ON
Tickets to the family concert: HERE!
Tickets to the grownup concert: HERE!

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