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22 Feb 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, February 22, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, February 22, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (09) Parralox - Eye In The Sky
02 / (02) / (07) Morrissey - Satellite Of Love (Live)
03 / (04) / (07) Myléne Farmer - Diabolique Mon Ange (Live)
04 / (09) / (06) Marianne Rosenberg - Schade, Ich Kann Dich Nicht Lieben (Remix)
05 / (05) / (08) Schattenherz - Alles Klingt
06 / (03) / (08) Axelle Red - Sur La Route Sabl?e
07 / (27) / (02) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
08 / (08) / (07) Calvin Harris & Alesso feat. Hurts - Under Control
09 / (10) / (07) Kent - Ingen Kunde R?ra Oss
10 / (07) / (08) Toni Braxton & Babyface - Hurt You
11 / (06) / (09) Agnetha Faltskog & Gary Barlow - I Should Have Followed You Home
12 / (13) / (05) Pharrell Williams - Happy
13 / (17) / (05) Prefab Sprout - Devil Came A-Calling
14 / (16) / (05) Röyksopp feat. Susanne Sundf?r - Running To The Sea
15 / (15) / (07) Texas - Dry Your Eyes
16 / (23) / (03) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Young Blood
17 / (18) / (06) Helene Fischer - Atemlos Durch Die Nacht
18 / (21) / (04) Tube & Berger - Set It Off
19 / (11) / (06) Caro Emerald - I Belong To You
20 / (20) / (06) Chris Cox & DJ Frankie feat. Crystal Waters - Oh Mama Hey
21 / (12) / (09) Prefab Sprout - The Best Jewel Thief In The World
22 / (14) / (08) Gabrielle - Say Goodbye
23 / (28) / (03) London Grammar - Night Call
24 / (26) / (05) Goldfrapp - Annabel
25 / (34) / (02) Katy B - Crying For No Reason
26 / (29) / (04) Franz Ferdinand - Bullet
27 / (19) / (09) Agnetha Faltskog - The One Who Loves You Now
28 / (24) / (09) Lisa Loeb - No Fairy Tale
29 / (22) / (17) Pet Shop Boys - Thursday
30 / (25) / (09) Teitur - Indie Girl
31 / (38) / (02) Depeche Mode - Goodbye
32 / (---) / (01) Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
33 / (33) / (04) Birdy - Light Me Up
34 / (36) / (03) Johnny Halliday - Un Jour L'Amour Te Trouvera
35 / (30) / (07) David Bowie - Love Is Lost
36 / (---) / (01) Erasure - Make It Wonderful
37 / (31) / (15) Bright Light Bright Light - An Open Heart
38 / (---) / (01) Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
39 / (32) / (09) Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
40 / (35) / (09) Army Of Lovers & Gravitonas - Signed On My Tattoo

* Prefab Sprout - Billy
* Morten Harket - Brother
* Garou & Charlotte Cardin - Du Vent, Des Mots
* Kazaky - The Sun
* Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
* Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
* Ycare - Sors
* Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
* Katy Perry - Dark Horse
* Rihanna - The Monster
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17 Feb 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, February 15, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, February 15, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (08) Parralox - Eye In The Sky
02 / (03) / (06) Morrissey - Satellite Of Love (Live)
03 / (02) / (07) Axelle Red - Sur La Route Sabl?e
04 / (06) / (06) Myléne Farmer - Diabolique Mon Ange (Live)
05 / (05) / (07) Schattenherz - Alles Klingt
06 / (04) / (08) Agnetha Faltskog & Gary Barlow - I Should Have Followed You Home
07 / (07) / (07) Toni Braxton & Babyface - Hurt You
08 / (09) / (06) Calvin Harris & Alesso feat. Hurts - Under Control
09 / (13) / (05) Marianne Rosenberg - Schade, Ich Kann Dich Nicht Lieben (Remix)
10 / (12) / (06) Kent - Ingen Kunde R?ra Oss
11 / (11) / (05) Caro Emerald - I Belong To You
12 / (08) / (08) Prefab Sprout - The Best Jewel Thief In The World
13 / (16) / (04) Pharrell Williams - Happy
14 / (10) / (07) Gabrielle - Say Goodbye
15 / (17) / (06) Texas - Dry Your Eyes
16 / (22) / (04) Röyksopp feat. Susanne Sundf?r - Running To The Sea
17 / (21) / (04) Prefab Sprout - Devil Came A-Calling
18 / (19) / (05) Helene Fischer - Atemlos Durch Die Nacht
19 / (14) / (08) Agnetha Faltskog - The One Who Loves You Now
20 / (24) / (05) Chris Cox & DJ Frankie feat. Crystal Waters - Oh Mama Hey
21 / (26) / (03) Tube & Berger - Set It Off
22 / (16) / (16) Pet Shop Boys - Thursday
23 / (31) / (02) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Young Blood
24 / (18) / (08) Lisa Loeb - No Fairy Tale
25 / (20) / (08) Teitur - Indie Girl
26 / (30) / (04) Goldfrapp - Annabel
27 / (---) / (01) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
28 / (36) / (02) London Grammar - Night Call
29 / (33) / (03) Franz Ferdinand - Bullet
30 / (27) / (06) David Bowie - Love Is Lost
31 / (23) / (14) Bright Light Bright Light - An Open Heart
32 / (25) / (08) Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
33 / (34) / (03) Birdy - Light Me Up
34 / (---) / (01) Katy B - Crying For No Reason
35 / (28) / (08) Army Of Lovers & Gravitonas - Signed On My Tattoo
36 / (38) / (02) Johnny Halliday - Un Jour L'Amour Te Trouvera
37 / (29) / (08) Nina - We Are The Wild Ones
38 / (---) / (01) Depeche Mode - Goodbye
39 / (32) / (16) Tears For Fears - Pale Shelter (You Don't Give Me Love)
40 / (35) / (16) The Young Professionals - D.I.S.C.O.

* Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
* Erasure - Make It Wonderful
* Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
* Prefab Sprout - Billy
* Morten Harket - Brother
* Kazaky - The Sun
* Garou & Charlotte Cardin - Du Vent, Des Mots
* Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
* Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
* Ycare - Sors
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08 Feb 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, February 8, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, February 8, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (07) Parralox - Eye In The Sky
02 / (02) / (06) Axelle Red - Sur La Route Sabl?e
03 / (04) / (05) Morrissey - Satellite Of Love (Live)
04 / (03) / (07) Agnetha Faltskog & Gary Barlow - I Should Have Followed You Home
05 / (06) / (06) Schattenherz - Alles Klingt
06 / (09) / (05) Myléne Farmer - Diabolique Mon Ange (Live)
07 / (08) / (06) Toni Braxton & Babyface - Hurt You
08 / (05) / (07) Prefab Sprout - The Best Jewel Thief In The World
09 / (11) / (05) Calvin Harris & Alesso feat. Hurts - Under Control
10 / (10) / (06) Gabrielle - Say Goodbye
11 / (13) / (04) Caro Emerald - I Belong To You
12 / (14) / (05) Kent - Ingen Kunde R?ra Oss
13 / (17) / (04) Marianne Rosenberg - Schade, Ich Kann Dich Nicht Lieben (Remix)
14 / (07) / (07) Agnetha Faltskog - The One Who Loves You Now
15 / (19) / (03) Pharrell Williams - Happy
16 / (12) / (15) Pet Shop Boys - Thursday
17 / (20) / (05) Texas - Dry Your Eyes
18 / (15) / (07) Lisa Loeb - No Fairy Tale
19 / (21) / (04) Helene Fischer - Atemlos Durch Die Nacht
20 / (16) / (07) Teitur - Indie Girl
21 / (25) / (03) Prefab Sprout - Devil Came A-Calling
22 / (30) / (03) Röyksopp feat. Susanne Sundf?r - Running To The Sea
23 / (18) / (13) Bright Light Bright Light - An Open Heart
24 / (29) / (04) Chris Cox & DJ Frankie feat. Crystal Waters - Oh Mama Hey
25 / (22) / (07) Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
26 / (33) / (02) Tube & Berger - Set It Off
27 / (27) / (05) David Bowie - Love Is Lost
28 / (24) / (07) Army Of Lovers & Gravitonas - Signed On My Tattoo
29 / (23) / (07) Nina - We Are The Wild Ones
30 / (34) / (03) Goldfrapp - Annabel
31 / (---) / (01) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Young Blood
32 / (26) / (15) Tears For Fears - Pale Shelter (You Don't Give Me Love)
33 / (37) / (02) Franz Ferdinand - Bullet
34 / (36) / (02) Birdy - Light Me Up
35 / (28) / (15) The Young Professionals - D.I.S.C.O.
36 / (---) / (01) London Grammar - Night Call
37 / (32) / (07) Caro Emerald - One Day
38 / (---) / (01) Johnny Halliday - Un Jour L'Amour Te Trouvera
39 / (31) / (15) Suede - For The Strangers / Hit Me
40 / (35) / (18) Myléne Farmer - Monkey Me

* Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
* Depeche Mode - Goodbye
* Katy B - Crying For No Reason
* Erasure - Make It Wonderful
* Prefab Sprout - Billy
* Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
* Kazaky - The Sun
* Morten Harket - Brother
* Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
* Garou & Charlotte Cardin - Du Vent, Des Mots
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02 Feb 2014 - Depeche Mode Night


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