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20 Apr 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, April 19, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, April 19, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (10) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
02 / (04) / (04) Kylie Minogue - Sexercize
03 / (03) / (09) Prefab Sprout - Billy
04 / (02) / (10) Katy B - Crying For No Reason
05 / (05) / (07) Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
06 / (06) / (09) Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
07 / (12) / (05) Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
08 / (11) / (06) Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
09 / (09) / (09) Erasure - Make It Wonderful
10 / (10) / (09) Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
11 / (07) / (14) Helene Fischer - Atemlos Durch Die Nacht
12 / (17) / (04) Alcazar - Blame It On The Disco
13 / (08) / (11) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Young Blood
14 / (16) / (05) Gravitonas & Army Of Lovers - People Are Lonely
15 / (15) / (08) Morten Harket - Brother
16 / (21) / (03) Bright Light Bright Light & Elton John - I Wish We Were Leaving
17 / (18) / (07) Kazaky - The Sun
18 / (13) / (13) Prefab Sprout - Devil Came A-Calling
19 / (23) / (03) Axelle Red - De Mieux En Mieux
20 / (14) / (14) Marianne Rosenberg - Schade, Ich Kann Dich Nicht Lieben (Remix)
21 / (32) / (02) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Runaway Dreamer
22 / (25) / (04) Lily Allen - Hard Out Here
23 / (22) / (13) Pharrell Williams - Happy
24 / (28) / (03) Ben Watt - Spring
25 / (20) / (10) Depeche Mode - Goodbye
26 / (26) / (06) Ycare - Sors
27 / (19) / (15) Schattenherz - Alles Klingt
28 / (33) / (02) Kovak - Radiate
29 / (24) / (08) Garou & Charlotte Cardin - Du Vent, Des Mots
30 / (---) / (01) Nina - My Mistake
31 / (36) / (02) Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Home
32 / (27) / (11) London Grammar - Night Call
33 / (---) / (01) Like Swimming - Let Go
34 / (29) / (16) Myléne Farmer - Diabolique Mon Ange (Live)
35 / (31) / (14) Chris Cox & DJ Frankie feat. Crystal Waters - Oh Mama Hey
36 / (30) / (17) Parralox - Eye In The Sky
37 / (---) / (01) Stargroves - Hats In The Air
38 / (---) / (01) Dario G & Shirley Bassey - We Got Music
39 / (34) / (15) Kent - Ingen Kunde R?ra Oss
40 / (35) / (15) Morrissey - Satellite Of Love (Live)


* Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked
* Asgeir - Going Home
* Kylie Minogue - Golden Boy
* Thomas Azier - Hylas
* London Grammar - Strong
* Dave Aud? & Andy Bell - Aftermath (Here We Go)
* SOHN - Artifice
* Kent - La Belle Epoque
* Helene Fischer - Fehlerfrei
* Andy Bell - Beautiful
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12 Apr 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, April 12, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, April 12, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (09) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
02 / (02) / (09) Katy B - Crying For No Reason
03 / (05) / (08) Prefab Sprout - Billy
04 / (12) / (03) Kylie Minogue - Sexercize
05 / (08) / (06) Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
06 / (06) / (08) Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
07 / (03) / (13) Helene Fischer - Atemlos Durch Die Nacht
08 / (04) / (10) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Young Blood
09 / (09) / (08) Erasure - Make It Wonderful
10 / (11) / (08) Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
11 / (13) / (05) Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
12 / (15) / (04) Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
13 / (07) / (12) Prefab Sprout - Devil Came A-Calling
14 / (10) / (13) Marianne Rosenberg - Schade, Ich Kann Dich Nicht Lieben (Remix)
15 / (16) / (07) Morten Harket - Brother
16 / (22) / (04) Gravitonas & Army Of Lovers - People Are Lonely
17 / (25) / (03) Alcazar - Blame It On The Disco
18 / (21) / (06) Kazaky - The Sun
19 / (14) / (14) Schattenherz - Alles Klingt
20 / (17) / (09) Depeche Mode - Goodbye
21 / (31) / (02) Bright Light Bright Light & Elton John - I Wish We Were Leaving
22 / (20) / (12) Pharrell Williams - Happy
23 / (33) / (02) Axelle Red - De Mieux En Mieux
24 / (24) / (07) Garou & Charlotte Cardin - Du Vent, Des Mots
25 / (29) / (03) Lily Allen - Hard Out Here
26 / (27) / (05) Ycare - Sors
27 / (18) / (10) London Grammar - Night Call
28 / (36) / (02) Ben Watt - Spring
29 / (19) / (15) Myléne Farmer - Diabolique Mon Ange (Live)
30 / (23) / (16) Parralox - Eye In The Sky
31 / (26) / (13) Chris Cox & DJ Frankie feat. Crystal Waters - Oh Mama Hey
32 / (---) / (01) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Runaway Dreamer
33 / (---) / (01) Kovak - Radiate
34 / (28) / (14) Kent - Ingen Kunde R?ra Oss
35 / (30) / (14) Morrissey - Satellite Of Love (Live)
36 / (---) / (01) Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Home
37 / (32) / (11) Tube & Berger - Set It Off
38 / (34) / (15) Calvin Harris & Alesso feat. Hurts - Under Control
39 / (35) / (12) Röyksopp feat. Susanne Sundf?r - Running To The Sea
40 / (38) / (04) Rihanna - The Monster


* Nina - My Mistake
* Like Swimming - Let Go
* Stargroves - Hats In The Air
* Dario G & Shirley Bassey - We Got Music
* Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked
* Asgeir - Going Home
* Thomas Azier - Hylas
* London Grammar - Strong
* Kylie Minogue - Golden Boy
* Dave Aud? & Andy Bell - Aftermath (Here We Go)
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06 Apr 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, April 5, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, April 5, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (08) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
02 / (04) / (08) Katy B - Crying For No Reason
03 / (03) / (12) Helene Fischer - Atemlos Durch Die Nacht
04 / (02) / (09) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Young Blood
05 / (08) / (07) Prefab Sprout - Billy
06 / (07) / (07) Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
07 / (05) / (11) Prefab Sprout - Devil Came A-Calling
08 / (11) / (05) Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
09 / (10) / (07) Erasure - Make It Wonderful
10 / (06) / (12) Marianne Rosenberg - Schade, Ich Kann Dich Nicht Lieben (Remix)
11 / (13) / (07) Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
12 / (21) / (02) Kylie Minogue - Sexercize
13 / (17) / (04) Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
14 / (09) / (13) Schattenherz - Alles Klingt
15 / (20) / (03) Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
16 / (18) / (06) Morten Harket - Brother
17 / (14) / (08) Depeche Mode - Goodbye
18 / (12) / (09) London Grammar - Night Call
19 / (16) / (14) Myléne Farmer - Diabolique Mon Ange (Live)
20 / (15) / (11) Pharrell Williams - Happy
21 / (24) / (05) Kazaky - The Sun
22 / (27) / (03) Gravitonas & Army Of Lovers - People Are Lonely
23 / (19) / (15) Parralox - Eye In The Sky
24 / (25) / (06) Garou & Charlotte Cardin - Du Vent, Des Mots
25 / (31) / (02) Alcazar - Blame It On The Disco
26 / (22) / (12) Chris Cox & DJ Frankie feat. Crystal Waters - Oh Mama Hey
27 / (29) / (04) Ycare - Sors
28 / (23) / (13) Kent - Ingen Kunde R?ra Oss
29 / (34) / (02) Lily Allen - Hard Out Here
30 / (26) / (13) Morrissey - Satellite Of Love (Live)
31 / (---) / (01) Bright Light Bright Light & Elton John - I Wish We Were Leaving
32 / (28) / (10) Tube & Berger - Set It Off
33 / (---) / (01) Axelle Red - De Mieux En Mieux
34 / (30) / (14) Calvin Harris & Alesso feat. Hurts - Under Control
35 / (32) / (11) Röyksopp feat. Susanne Sundf?r - Running To The Sea
36 / (---) / (01) Ben Watt - Spring
37 / (33) / (14) Axelle Red - Sur La Route Sabl?e
38 / (38) / (03) Rihanna - The Monster
39 / (33) / (14) Toni Braxton & Babyface - Hurt You
40 / (36) / (11) Franz Ferdinand - Bullet


* Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Runaway Dreamer
* Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Home
* Kovak - Radiate
* Nina - My Mistake
* Dario G & Shirley Bassey - We Got Music
* Like Swimming - Let Go
* Stargroves - Hats In The Air
* Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked
* Asgeir - Going Home
* Thomas Azier - Hylas
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01 Apr 2014 - Like Swimming - Let Go

Like Swimming is a Swedish trio formed in 2012 out of a previous group, You Say France & I Whistle, but this is not a young band. Claes Carlström, Ida Hedene, and Petter Wesslander have been writing music together for seven years and it shows, as the group’s music is gorgeously understated, fully developed and sophisticated. “Let Go” is a beautifully composed and performed song that highlights these points. Like Swimming tells us that “with ‘Let Go’, we’ve tried to find a blend of danceable electro sounds and a comforting acoustic feel, since we feel in between those two worlds in our daily life. The song about slowing down, standing still, not moving. So please listen to it while waiting for the next bus, while sitting down, or while sleeping on the job. It’s a series of still life paintings, but without the apples and pears.”

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01 Apr 2014 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor News

And if you still haven't heard the album, than you can get it on digital, CD or vinyl by clicking below:



- BUY FROM SOPHIE'S SHOP (including signed editions)

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