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24 May 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, May 24, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, May 24, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (09) Kylie Minogue - Sexercize
02 / (04) / (07) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Runaway Dreamer
03 / (03) / (09) Bright Light Bright Light & Elton John - I Wish We Were Leaving
04 / (02) / (11) Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
05 / (09) / (04) Kent - La Belle Epoque
06 / (23) / (02) Robyn & Röyksopp - Do It Again
07 / (07) / (08) Axelle Red - De Mieux En Mieux
08 / (08) / (06) Nina - My Mistake
09 / (10) / (06) Like Swimming - Let Go
10 / (12) / (05) Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked
11 / (11) / (08) Ben Watt - Spring
12 / (05) / (09) Alcazar - Blame It On The Disco
13 / (06) / (10) Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
14 / (15) / (06) Stargroves - Hats In The Air
15 / (18) / (03) Helene Fischer - Fehlerfrei
16 / (26) / (02) Kylie Minogue - I Was Gonna Cancel
17 / (13) / (15) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
18 / (22) / (05) Kylie Minogue - Golden Boy
19 / (31) / (02) Sanne Nielsen - Undo
20 / (14) / (14) Prefab Sprout - Billy
21 / (21) / (07) Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Home
22 / (25) / (04) Thomas Azier - Hylas
23 / (19) / (07) Kovak - Radiate
24 / (24) / (05) Asgeir - Going Home
25 / (27) / (03) London Grammar - Strong
26 / (28) / (04) Dave Aud? & Andy Bell - Aftermath (Here We Go)
27 / (17) / (10) Gravitonas & Army Of Lovers - People Are Lonely
28 / (32) / (02) And One - Unter Meiner Uniform
29 / (16) / (14) Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
30 / (20) / (09) Lily Allen - Hard Out Here
31 / (37) / (02) Conchita W?rst - Rise Like A Phoenix
32 / (---) / (01) Ruth Lorenzo - Dancing In The Rain
33 / (34) / (03) SOHN - Artifice
34 / (---) / (01) Animotion - Obsession
35 / (38) / (02) The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm
36 / (---) / (01) Softengine - Something Better
37 / (---) / (01) Mariya Yaremchuk - Tick Tock
38 / (---) / (01) Carl Espen - Silent Storm
39 / (29) / (12) Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
40 / (30) / (15) Katy B - Crying For No Reason


* Valentina Monetta - Maybe
* Andy Bell - Beautiful
* Karmin - I Want It All
* Paula Seling & Ovi - Miracle
* Suede - Let Go
* And One - Black Celebration
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17 May 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, May 17, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, May 17, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (08) Kylie Minogue - Sexercize
02 / (02) / (10) Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
03 / (04) / (08) Bright Light Bright Light & Elton John - I Wish We Were Leaving
04 / (06) / (06) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Runaway Dreamer
05 / (05) / (08) Alcazar - Blame It On The Disco
06 / (03) / (09) Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
07 / (08) / (07) Axelle Red - De Mieux En Mieux
08 / (10) / (05) Nina - My Mistake
09 / (16) / (03) Kent - La Belle Epoque
10 / (13) / (05) Like Swimming - Let Go
11 / (12) / (07) Ben Watt - Spring
12 / (15) / (04) Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked
13 / (07) / (14) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
14 / (09) / (13) Prefab Sprout - Billy
15 / (20) / (05) Stargroves - Hats In The Air
16 / (11) / (13) Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
17 / (14) / (09) Gravitonas & Army Of Lovers - People Are Lonely
18 / (31) / (02) Helene Fischer - Fehlerfrei
19 / (19) / (06) Kovak - Radiate
20 / (18) / (08) Lily Allen - Hard Out Here
21 / (22) / (06) Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Home
22 / (23) / (04) Kylie Minogue - Golden Boy
23 / (---) / (01) Robyn & Röyksopp - Do It Again
24 / (27) / (04) Asgeir - Going Home
25 / (28) / (03) Thomas Azier - Hylas
26 / (---) / (01) Kylie Minogue - I Was Gonna Cancel
27 / (33) / (10) London Grammar - Strong
28 / (32) / (02) Dave Aud? & Andy Bell - Aftermath (Here We Go)
29 / (17) / (11) Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
30 / (21) / (14) Katy B - Crying For No Reason
31 / (---) / (01) Sanne Nielsen - Undo
32 / (---) / (01) And One - Unter Meiner Uniform
33 / (26) / (17) Pharrell Williams - Happy
34 / (37) / (02) SOHN - Artifice
35 / (24) / (13) Erasure - Make It Wonderful
36 / (25) / (13) Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
37 / (---) / (01) Conchita W?rst - Rise Like A Phoenix
38 / (---) / (01) The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm
39 / (29) / (11) Kazaky - The Sun
40 / (30) / (12) Morten Harket - Brother


* Ruth Lorenzo - Dancing In The Rain
* Animotion - Obsession
* Andy Bell - Beautiful
* Softengine - Something Better
* Karmin - I Want It All
* Suede - Let Go
* And One - Black Celebration
* Mariya Yaremchuk - Tick Tock
* Carl Espen - Silent Storm
* Valentina Monetta - Maybe
* Paula Seling & Ovi - Miracle
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10 May 2014 - The Pmachinery Top 40, May 10, 2014

The Pmachinery Top 40, May 10, 2014
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (07) Kylie Minogue - Sexercize
02 / (02) / (09) Rebecca Ferguson - I Hope
03 / (03) / (08) Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
04 / (05) / (06) Bright Light Bright Light & Elton John - I Wish We Were Leaving
05 / (07) / (07) Alcazar - Blame It On The Disco
06 / (09) / (05) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Runaway Dreamer
07 / (04) / (13) Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue
08 / (10) / (06) Axelle Red - De Mieux En Mieux
09 / (06) / (12) Prefab Sprout - Billy
10 / (14) / (04) Nina - My Mistake
11 / (08) / (12) Thomas Azier - Ghostcity
12 / (15) / (06) Ben Watt - Spring
13 / (20) / (04) Like Swimming - Let Go
14 / (12) / (08) Gravitonas & Army Of Lovers - People Are Lonely
15 / (26) / (03) Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked
16 / (31) / (02) Kent - La Belle Epoque
17 / (11) / (10) Lisa Stansfield - Can't Dance
18 / (18) / (07) Lily Allen - Hard Out Here
19 / (21) / (05) Kovak - Radiate
20 / (25) / (04) Stargroves - Hats In The Air
21 / (13) / (13) Katy B - Crying For No Reason
22 / (24) / (05) Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Home
23 / (28) / (03) Kylie Minogue - Golden Boy
24 / (16) / (12) Erasure - Make It Wonderful
25 / (17) / (12) Poliana Vieira - His Love Is Worth
26 / (23) / (16) Pharrell Williams - Happy
27 / (32) / (03) Asgeir - Going Home
28 / (34) / (02) Thomas Azier - Hylas
29 / (19) / (10) Kazaky - The Sun
30 / (22) / (11) Morten Harket - Brother
31 / (---) / (01) Helene Fischer - Fehlerfrei
32 / (38) / (02) Dave Aud? & Andy Bell - Aftermath (Here We Go)
33 / (---) / (01) London Grammar - Strong
34 / (27) / (17) Helene Fischer - Atemlos Durch Die Nacht
35 / (29) / (14) Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Young Blood
36 / (30) / (16) Prefab Sprout - Devil Came A-Calling
37 / (---) / (01) SOHN - Artifice
38 / (33) / (17) Marianne Rosenberg - Schade, Ich Kann Dich Nicht Lieben (Remix)
39 / (36) / (04) Dario G & Shirley Bassey - We Got Music
40 / (34) / (09) Ycare - Sors


* Kylie Minogue - I Was Gonna Cancel
* Robyn & Röyksopp - Do It Again
* And One - Unter Meiner Uniform
* Andy Bell - Beautiful
* Animotion - Obsession
* Karmin - I Want It All
* Suede - Let Go
* And One - Black Celebration
* Sanne Nielsen - Undo
* Conchita W?rst - Rise Like A Phoenix
* The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm
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