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The Pmachinery Top 40, July 27, 2013
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (02) / (07) Axelle Red - Quelque Part Ailleurs
02 / (01) / (12) Teitur - Betty Hedges
03 / (07) / (05) Pet Shop Boys - Vocal
04 / (05) / (07) Real Life - Send Me An Angel
05 / (06) / (05) Kylie - Skirt
06 / (03) / (09) Depeche Mode - Soothe My Soul
07 / (09) / (05) Paola & Chiara - Divertiamoci
08 / (04) / (11) Visage - Shameless Fashion
09 / (11) / (05) Kate Ryan - Light In The Dark
10 / (10) / (06) Zlata Ognevich - Gravity (Ukraine ESC 2013)
11 / (14) / (04) Alison Moyet - Love Reign Supreme
12 / (17) / (03) Bright Light Bright Light - Moves
13 / (08) / (10) Hurts - Blind
14 / (18) / (04) Sweet Coffee - Big City Life
15 / (22) / (04) Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch
16 / (16) / (08) ByeAlex - Kedvesem (Hungary ESC 2013)
17 / (12) / (08) Daybehavior - For A Thousand Years
18 / (13) / (11) Daft Punk - Get Lucky
19 / (26) / (02) Michael Bublé - Close Your Eyes
20 / (24) / (03) OMD - Dresden
21 / (15) / (11)??Pet Shop Boys - Axis
22 / (20) / (06) Texas - The Conversation
23 / (19) / (09) Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me (Finland ESC 2013)
24 / (21) / (06) Dina Garipova - What If (Russia ESC 2013)
25 / (32) / (02) Hurts - Somebody To Die For
26 / (30) / (03) Shym - Controle
27 / (---) / (01) Agnetha Fältskog - Dance Your Pain Away
28 / (23) / (15) Bright Light Bright Light - Feel It
29 / (27) / (05) David Bowie - The Next Day
30 / (28) / (05) EyÞór Ingi Gunnlaugsson - Ég Á Líf (Iceland ESC 2013)
31 / (36) / (02) Dead Can Dance - Children Of The Sun
32 / (25) / (10) Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love (Norway ESC 2013)
33 / (---) / (01) Freemasons & Katherine Ellis - Tears In The Rain
34 / (29) / (08) Gianluca Bezzina - Tomorrow (Malta ESC 2013)
35 / (38) / (02) Natasha St. Pier & Anggun - Vivre d'Amour
36 / (---) / (01) Garcon Garcon - Instant Attraction
37 / (34) / (05) Robin Stjenberg - You (Sweden ESC 2013)
38 / (31) / (14) Alison Moyet - When I Was Your Girl
39 / (33) / (16) Morrissey - The Last Of The Famous International Playboys
40 / (35) / (12)??Mari Wilson - First Of May
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15 Aug 2013 - Morrissey - 25:Live

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The Pmachinery Top 40, July 20, 2013
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (11) Teitur - Betty Hedges
02 / (04) / (06) Axelle Red - Quelque Part Ailleurs
03 / (03) / (08) Depeche Mode - Soothe My Soul
04 / (02) / (10) Visage - Shameless Fashion
05 / (07) / (06) Real Life - Send Me An Angel
06 / (09) / (04) Kylie - Skirt
07 / (11) / (04) Pet Shop Boys - Vocal
08 / (05) / (09) Hurts - Blind
09 / (15) / (04) Paola & Chiara - Divertiamoci
10 / (12) / (05) Zlata Ognevich - Gravity (Ukraine ESC 2013)
11 / (14) / (04) Kate Ryan - Light In The Dark
12 / (08) / (07) Daybehavior - For A Thousand Years
13 / (06) / (10) Daft Punk - Get Lucky
14 / (19) / (03) Alison Moyet - Love Reign Supreme
15 / (10) / (10) Pet Shop Boys - Axis
16 / (13) / (07) ByeAlex - Kedvesem (Hungary ESC 2013)
17 / (25) / (02) Bright Light Bright Light - Moves
18 / (24) / (03) Sweet Coffee - Big City Life
19 / (17) / (08) Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me (Finland ESC 2013)
20 / (20) / (05) Texas - The Conversation
21 / (21) / (05) Dina Garipova - What If (Russia ESC 2013)
22 / (30) / (03) Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch
23 / (16) / (14) Bright Light Bright Light - Feel It
24 / (31) / (02) OMD - Dresden
25 / (18) / (09) Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love (Norway ESC 2013)
26 / (---) / (01) Michael Bublé - Close Your Eyes
27 / (26) / (04) David Bowie - The Next Day
28 / (28) / (04) EyÞór Ingi Gunnlaugsson - Ég Á Líf (Iceland ESC 2013)
29 / (23) / (07) Gianluca Bezzina - Tomorrow (Malta ESC 2013)
30 / (36) / (02) Shym - Controle
31 / (22) / (13) Alison Moyet - When I Was Your Girl
32 / (---) / (01) Hurts - Somebody To Die For
33 / (27) / (15) Morrissey - The Last Of The Famous International Playboys
34 / (34) / (04) Robin Stjenberg - You (Sweden ESC 2013)
35 / (29) / (11) Mari Wilson - First Of May
36 / (---) / (01) Dead Can Dance - Children Of The Sun
37 / (32) / (11) Caro Emerald - Tangled Up
38 / (---) / (01) Natasha St. Pier & Anggun - Vivre d'Amour
39 / (33) / (14) Michael Bublé - It's A Beautiful Day
40 / (38) / (04) Amandine Bourgeois - L'enfer Et Moi (France ESC 2013)
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The Pmachinery Top 40, July 13, 2013
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (10) Teitur - Betty Hedges
02 / (02) / (09) Visage - Shameless Fashion
03 / (04) / (07) Depeche Mode - Soothe My Soul
04 / (07) / (05) Axelle Red - Quelque Part Ailleurs
05 / (05) / (08) Hurts - Blind
06 / (03) / (09) Daft Punk - Get Lucky
07 / (09) / (05) Real Life - Send Me An Angel
08 / (08) / (06) Daybehavior - For A Thousand Years
09 / (12) / (03) Kylie - Skirt
10 / (06) / (09) Pet Shop Boys - Axis
11 / (17) / (03) Pet Shop Boys - Vocal
12 / (16) / (04) Zlata Ognevich - Gravity (Ukraine ESC 2013)
13 / (13) / (06) ByeAlex - Kedvesem (Hungary ESC 2013)
14 / (19) / (03) Kate Ryan - Light In The Dark
15 / (23) / (03) Paola & Chiara - Divertiamoci
16 / (10) / (13) Bright Light Bright Light - Feel It
17 / (15) / (07) Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me (Finland ESC 2013)
18 / (11) / (08) Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love (Norway ESC 2013)
19 / (28) / (02) Alison Moyet - Love Reign Supreme
20 / (20) / (04) Texas - The Conversation
21 / (22) / (04) Dina Garipova - What If (Russia ESC 2013)
22 / (14) / (12) Alison Moyet - When I Was Your Girl
23 / (18) / (06) Gianluca Bezzina - Tomorrow (Malta ESC 2013)
24 / (33) / (02) Sweet Coffee - Big City Life
25 / (---) / (01) Bright Light Bright Light - Moves
26 / (26) / (03) David Bowie - The Next Day
27 / (21) / (14) Morrissey - The Last Of The Famous International Playboys
28 / (30) / (03) EyÞór Ingi Gunnlaugsson - Ég Á Líf (Iceland ESC 2013)
29 / (24) / (10) Mari Wilson - First Of May
30 / (37) / (02) Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch
31 / (---) / (01) OMD - Dresden
32 / (25) / (10) Caro Emerald - Tangled Up
33 / (27) / (13) Michael Bublé - It's A Beautiful Day
34 / (35) / (03) Robin Stjenberg - You (Sweden ESC 2013)
35 / (29) / (05) Ryan Dolan - Only Love Survives (Ireland ESC 2013)
36 / (---) / (01) Shym - Controle
37 / (31) / (15) Agnetha Fältskog - When You Really Loved Someone
38 / (38) / (03) Amandine Bourgeois - L'enfer Et Moi (France ESC 2013)
39 / (32) / (10) OMD - Metroland
40 / (34) / (08) Anouk - Birds (Netherlands ESC 2013)
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The Pmachinery Top 40, July 6, 2013
TW / LW / WC Artist - Song
01 / (01) / (09) Teitur - Betty Hedges
02 / (02) / (08) Visage - Shameless Fashion
03 / (03) / (08) Daft Punk - Get Lucky
04 / (07) / (06) Depeche Mode - Soothe My Soul
05 / (06) / (07) Hurts - Blind
06 / (05) / (08) Pet Shop Boys - Axis
07 / (10) / (04) Axelle Red - Quelque Part Ailleurs
08 / (09) / (05) Daybehavior - For A Thousand Years
09 / (12) / (04) Real Life - Send Me An Angel
10 / (04) / (12) Bright Light Bright Light - Feel It
11 / (08) / (07) Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love (Norway ESC 2013)
12 / (21) / (02) Kylie - Skirt
13 / (14) / (05) ByeAlex - Kedvesem (Hungary ESC 2013)
14 / (11) / (11) Alison Moyet - When I Was Your Girl
15 / (15) / (06) Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me (Finland ESC 2013)
16 / (20) / (03) Zlata Ognevich - Gravity (Ukraine ESC 2013)
17 / (29) / (02) Pet Shop Boys - Vocal
18 / (18) / (05) Gianluca Bezzina - Tomorrow (Malta ESC 2013)
19 / (23) / (02) Kate Ryan - Light In The Dark
20 / (22) / (03) Texas - The Conversation
21 / (13) / (13) Morrissey - The Last Of The Famous International Playboys
22 / (25) / (03) Dina Garipova - What If (Russia ESC 2013)
23 / (33) / (02) Paola & Chiara - Divertiamoci
24 / (17) / (09) Mari Wilson - First Of May
25 / (16) / (09) Caro Emerald - Tangled Up
26 / (28) / (02) David Bowie - The Next Day
27 / (19) / (12) Michael Bublé - It's A Beautiful Day
28 / (---) / (01) Alison Moyet - Love Reign Supreme
29 / (27) / (04) Ryan Dolan - Only Love Survives (Ireland ESC 2013)
30 / (34) / (02) EyÞór Ingi Gunnlaugsson - Ég Á Líf (Iceland ESC 2013)
31 / (24) / (14) Agnetha Fältskog - When You Really Loved Someone
32 / (26) / (09) OMD - Metroland
33 / (---) / (01) Sweet Coffee - Big City Life
34 / (30) / (07) Anouk - Birds (Netherlands ESC 2013)
35 / (37) / (02) Robin Stjenberg - You (Sweden ESC 2013)
36 / (31) / (07) Roberto Bellarosa - Love Kills (Belgium ESC 2013)
37 / (---) / (01) Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch
38 / (39) / (02) Amandine Bourgeois - L'enfer Et Moi (France ESC 2013)
39 / (32) / (10) Suede - It Starts And Ends With You
40 / (35) / (12) Daybehavior - The Sun
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